2017 Scheduled Events

Thanks for visiting the Superbeings Player Portal! We look forward to meeting you in person at any one of the events listed below! We will have staff on-hand to demo games and answer questions.
Kingdom-Con San Diego


It was cool demonstrating Superbeings Jumbo Card Game for the first time in front of a big audience that generated awesome feedback! The road to GenCon 50 has started.

Orgins Game Fair Indie Game Alliance

ORIGINS GAME FAIR - June 14-18, 2017

In partnership with the Indie Game Alliance, Superbeings Jumbo Card Game will be available for demonstration on June 14-15, 2017.

Orgins Game Fair Indie Game Alliance

Dice Tower Con - July 5-9, 2017

In partnership with the Indie Game Alliance, Superbeings Jumbo Card Game will be available for demonstration on July 5 and July 9, 2017.

GenCon 50

Gen Con 50 - August 17-20, 2017

Alienplay Games will be hosting Superbeings Jumbo Card Game events all 4 days at GenCon 50 - August 17-20. And of course the Superbeings Kickstarter starts on August 17th which is Day 1 at GenCon. Also, we'll be in the First Exposure Playtest Hall, so stop on by to check out the game and get free GenCon/Kickstarter Promos!

Game Giveaway Contest!

Sign up to our E-Mail List to show your support and enter for a chance to win an advanced copy of Superbeings. Contest ends Sept 22 2017. Open World-Wide.
* indicates required